What is myopia?
Myopia or nearsightedness is the inability to see clearly at a distance and is a condition of the eye that causes distant objects to appear blurred
because the images are out of focus with the retina. This is typically due to the curvature of the cornea, the power of the lens of the eye, and the length
of the eyeball.
Myopia is caused by genetic and environmental factors that contribute to its development in children and adolescents. Having one or both parents with myopia significantly increases the risk of the child developing it. Some environmental factors include excessive near work, reading, computer, and tablet use. During childhood, significant growth (axial elongation) of the eye occurs and during this time both genetic and environmental factors increase the risk of abnormal elongation growth of the eye which results in myopia.
What is myopia control?
Myopia control or nearsightedness control is a group of methods that doctors use to slow down the progression of myopia. These methods include specialty contact lenses, glasses, eye drops, and changing our daily habits.
Most myopia control methods try to prevent eyeball (axial) elongation. Special contact lens and eyeglass designs are aimed to change how light is focused on the retina which tells the eyeball to stop getting longer. Atropine, a special prescription eye drop, reduces the stimulus for the eye to grow longer. Here at Walnut Hill Pasadena Optometrics, we measure the eyeball length, or axial length, to better monitor small changes over time. We also advocate other myopia control methods such as reduced screen time and increased outdoor time to slow down myopia development and progression.
Why consider myopia control?
The more myopia develops, the greater the chance for certain eye problems to occur. These problems include myopic macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachments. The goal of myopia control is to reduce the risk for problems to arise as much as possible to ensure great vision and good quality of life.
Why choose Walnut Hill Pasadena Optometrists to monitor and treat your myopia?
Because we are passionate about helping kids see well, be well, and keeping their eyes healthy. We keep up with the very latest in technology and research, and we are one of the few practitioners in the area to utilize the Topcon Aladdin-M device to continuously monitor eye axial length, which has been clinically shown to be the very best indicator of myopia progression and risks of myopic eye health.
And because we treat our own kids and their friends as well! Dr. Shem has personally treated her own children as well as dozens of her children's friends and classmates! If we believe it important enough to provide a safe and effective method for our own children, then we believe it for your children too!
Myopia or nearsightedness is the inability to see clearly at a distance and is a condition of the eye that causes distant objects to appear blurred
because the images are out of focus with the retina. This is typically due to the curvature of the cornea, the power of the lens of the eye, and the length
of the eyeball.
Myopia is caused by genetic and environmental factors that contribute to its development in children and adolescents. Having one or both parents with myopia significantly increases the risk of the child developing it. Some environmental factors include excessive near work, reading, computer, and tablet use. During childhood, significant growth (axial elongation) of the eye occurs and during this time both genetic and environmental factors increase the risk of abnormal elongation growth of the eye which results in myopia.
What is myopia control?
Myopia control or nearsightedness control is a group of methods that doctors use to slow down the progression of myopia. These methods include specialty contact lenses, glasses, eye drops, and changing our daily habits.
Most myopia control methods try to prevent eyeball (axial) elongation. Special contact lens and eyeglass designs are aimed to change how light is focused on the retina which tells the eyeball to stop getting longer. Atropine, a special prescription eye drop, reduces the stimulus for the eye to grow longer. Here at Walnut Hill Pasadena Optometrics, we measure the eyeball length, or axial length, to better monitor small changes over time. We also advocate other myopia control methods such as reduced screen time and increased outdoor time to slow down myopia development and progression.
Why consider myopia control?
The more myopia develops, the greater the chance for certain eye problems to occur. These problems include myopic macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachments. The goal of myopia control is to reduce the risk for problems to arise as much as possible to ensure great vision and good quality of life.
Why choose Walnut Hill Pasadena Optometrists to monitor and treat your myopia?
Because we are passionate about helping kids see well, be well, and keeping their eyes healthy. We keep up with the very latest in technology and research, and we are one of the few practitioners in the area to utilize the Topcon Aladdin-M device to continuously monitor eye axial length, which has been clinically shown to be the very best indicator of myopia progression and risks of myopic eye health.
And because we treat our own kids and their friends as well! Dr. Shem has personally treated her own children as well as dozens of her children's friends and classmates! If we believe it important enough to provide a safe and effective method for our own children, then we believe it for your children too!